Help / Email Marketing

Making a regular campaign into an autoresponder email

So you’ve created a new campaign, in your Campaigns page… and now you want to use it as a Autoresponder email. Fantastic, you’ve come to the right place.

When you click the Clone button on any campaign in your Campaigns page, an exact copy of that campaign will be created. You can also use this very same button to clone that regular campaign into an Autoresponder email!
Click the Clone button

Pro tip: Make sure you create your Autoresponder first! That way, you’ll be able to tell Email Marketing exactly where to put the cloned campaign.

When you’re ready, just click the Clone button, and select the Autoresponder option from the overlay page that pops up.

Choose the correct campaign from the list of all your Autoresponders, and then click the Clone button. Email Marketing will take care of the rest for you. Go to Autorespondersunder the Add-ons menu, to check out your new addition.

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