Help / Email Marketing

Troubleshooting links not working

If your links in your campaigns aren’t working, here are a few things to check.

IssueTry this
Extra http
Typo in link
Missing link reference
This is the #1 reason most links aren’t working. Links use the markdown formatting of [Link display text](

  • Look at your broken link in the composer, and make sure that everything in the rounded parentheses is a complete and correct link URL, with no extra “http”.
  • Copy everything in the parentheses, and paste it into a web browser, to make sure it’s working.

More info on adding links to text and images.

Google Analytics problemsIf you have Google Analytics integrated, it will add a whole bunch of extra parameters to your links, to look something like this: Marketing&utm_content=xxx…

Copy only the first part, up to the ?, and paste that into a browser. If it works that way, there’s a problem with your Google Analytics set up.

See more info on setting up the Google Analytics addon.

It’s very smart to give all links a quick test before you send the email to others. You can do this in the Preview screen, and by sending yourself a test email.