Help / Domain

Manage DNS zone files

You can change which service your domain uses for its website and email by managing its DNS records (also known as zone file records). How you access your DNS records depends on where your domain is registered and hosted. Use the table below to find the scenario that’s applicable to your situation and follow those instructions.

If your domain isFollow these instructions…
Registered with and using nameservers (either hosted with or not yet hosted anywhere)See the Working with DNS records table below
Registered with, but hosted at another company and using their nameserversYou’ll need to manage DNS through your hosting company
Registered with another company, but hosted with and using nameserversLog in to your hosting account using the instructions in Manage DNS for your hosting account, then see the Working with DNS records table below
Neither registered nor hosted with (using DNS Hosting – formerly called “Off-Site” DNS)Manage DNS zone files for your domain registered at another company

Working with DNS records

Click on the link for the type of record you would like to add, change, or delete:

Note: If your domain is registered at another company, please click on the link below for the DNS record you’d like to add, change, or delete and follow the Domains registered at another company set of instructions at the bottom of that article.

Type of RecordWhat it’s forAdd, Change or Delete
A RecordConnects an IP Address to a host nameAdd; Change; Delete
CNAME RecordAllows more than one DNS name for a hostAdd; Change; Delete
MX RecordEnsures email is delivered to the right locationAdd; Change; Delete
NS RecordContains the nameserver infoAdd; Change; Delete
TXT RecordProvides additional info about a host or more technical info to serversAdd; Change; Delete
SRV RecordFinds computers that host specific servicesAdd; Change; Delete
AAAA RecordProvides IP addresses that do not fit a standard A Record formatAdd; Change; Delete
SPF RecordUsed to help prevent against spamAdd; Change; Delete
CAA RecordUsed to prevent anyone from obtaining an unauthorized SSL certificate for your domainAdd; Change; Delete
Warning: Any DNS changes you make can take up to 48 hours to reflect on the Internet.